Saturday, February 27, 2010


I have become a hoarder! My drawers are a magpie's nest filled with random sized rubber bands, pens, tacks, paper clips of various sizes and colors. I look at a piece of string and consider the possibilities that exist if I should need it. As I clean out the drawers on this dead Saturday (gasp! only late morning!), I wonder if I'll really toss it all, or throw it in a box for the barn. Both have their temptations. After all, 30 years from now someone could be sorting through all that "stuff" in the old lady's barn (yes, I plan to live there for my duration) and they may really need it. (Who am I kidding?) Okay, okay! I'm tossing it all..oh wait...except for the old business cards--I can use the other side for grocery lists....the green beads--St. Patricks Day is almost here...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's okay to be angry as long as your anger results in a change in you that offers you better choices, choices for growth. Alot of anger occurs when people do not meet my expectations of what my quality world should look like. I cannot change who they are, but I can change myself, my expectations of them need to change, and I need to look further than them to satisfy my needs, wants and desires. Pull up your big girl/big boy panties and grow up. Whew.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The sky was a perfect shade of gray today at 9 a.m. As I walked my dog I could see that perfect shade highlight the freshly fallen snow. You could duplicate it in photoshop, but rarely do you see that firsthand. No, I didn't take any pictures.